Breakups can be one of the most difficult experiences to go through. Your body hurts in places that you didn’t even know you can feel pain, your mind can’t focus on anything real around you, and you even have a hard time to create just a simple smile. You might feel angry, sad, frustrated, or completely empty. Knowing how to handle a breakup in a positive and healthy way is key to getting through it with your sanity intact. Here are some tips for navigating this tough time:
Take a deep breath

Take a deep breath and I mean it literally. Lots of people stop breathing when they feel anxious and are in pain from break up. If you feel that the pain is coming and you feel the big heavy pressure, let your body know that you are ok with taking a deep breath. Try to count to 3 with a deep inhale and count to 3-5 when you exhale. This is a natural signal to your body that you are not in danger and everything will be just fine. Use it anytime, anywhere and anyplace, it will help you to go through your day easier.
Acknowledge your feelings
Acknowledge your feelings: It’s important to take time to sit with the emotions that come up when going through a breakup, even if it can be hard. Allow yourself to be sad or angry and let those feelings out. Many people start holding feelings in and create tension in their body. Remember it’s not your fault: Breakups are never easy, and they can often leave you feeling like it’s all your fault. Remember that there was likely more than one factor in the relationship ending and do your best to be kind to yourself.
Share your pain.

Holding your own pain from break up inside the body causes even greater pain. Share your pain with a best friend, family or write a journal. The more you share, the less the pain will feel important, until one day it won’t be there. This doesn’t happen overnight but it’s a good healing process. Create your safety zone and surround yourself with people who care for you or find help. You can always connect with a dating coach or therapist.
Focus on something that makes you happy.
Have you always wanted to make a trip to Antelope Canyon? Now is the time, plan a fantastic trip, there is no limitation to your new adventures. Or find a new hobby – photography, reading, or painting? The world offers unlimited options, use them. Focusing on something positive will change your thoughts and makes you feel better, and release stress.
Move your body.

Yoga, dancing, or hiking? Which one speaks to you? When you move your body, your heartbeat gets faster and released endorphins that will make you feel good. Make a difference in the way you feel and even though all this still will take little time, you will be a step closer to feel better every day.
Sometimes people come to our lives and sometimes they leave. Hang in there, feelings take time to process but definitely, it will get better. I promise.